Our Team

(On the left) With a Masters Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad de Malaga and University of Bradford, Antonio Donaire worked as a Field Sales Engineer for RF & Microwave Spanish distributor Spantech and for MiniCircuits Europe before co-founding Antae in 2017. See his LinkedIn Profile.
(On the right) With a Masters Degree in Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Antonio Avila worked as an RF & Antenna Engineer for Indra and as a Field Sales Engineer for Cobham Microwave and MiniCircuits Europe before co-founding Antae in 2017. See his LinkedIn Profile
"We have a technical background and a passion for engineering.
We are not a catalogue salesman nor a postman,
we like finding solutions to problems"
"We strive to become your preferred new point of contact for
all your RF / Microwave and mmW needs"